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This function requires KanoaQDS module


Given the check item info and value, this function returns if the check item is passing, failing, or warning in KanoaQDS.


getChkItemStateId(chkItemInfo, value)
  • Parameters
      chkItemInfo - Dictionary containing information about the check item (dictionary).
      value - Value of the check item (int/float/string).
  • Returns
      chkItemStateId - ID of the check item state (int).
      message - Additional message (string).
  • Code Example

    # Usage example
    chk_item_info = {'chkItemEventId': 1, 'chkShtEventId': 3, 'chkItemId': 1, 'measNumber': 1, 'chkItemValue': 'sausages', 'chkItemStateId': 2}
    value = 10.5
    chk_item_state_id, message = system.kanoa.quality.event.getChkItemStateId(chkItemInfo=chk_item_info, value=value)

    print(chk_item_state_id, message)