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KanoaMES v1.5.0

Release Notes

Main Features

  • Minor fixes for user security
  • Minor fixes for operations scheduling
  • Groundwork laid for new lot tracking implementation

Resource Changes

This release package has been tested against Ignition 8.1.43 and was released on 9/13/24.


  • kanoaCore_1_5_0.modl
  • kanoaOps__1_5_0.modl
  • kanoaQDS__1_5_0.modl
  • ApexCharts-signed 1.0.17.modl
  • BIJC_Calendar_Component_v1.8.1.modl


  • kanoaMES_20240609154216

Implementation Guidance

For existing implementations where the KANOA_SCRIPTS project has been customized, do not import the KANOA_SCRIPTS, just over-write the script library kanoaScripts/custom/quality.

The Gateway Scripting Project setting under Gateway Settings must be changed to point to KANOA_SCRIPTS instead of kanoaQDS.

To update, install the kanoaApp project and point kanoaMES and any runnable projects to inherit from kanoaApp. Then remove the kanoaCore, kanoaOPS and kanoaQDS projects (if installed).

If this is an existing install, you will need to clear out the navigation item project field. This can be done via the navigation editor or by running UPDATE [core].[navigationItems] Set project = NULL


User Management

  • Edit User email address does not save. This has been fixed.
  • Edit User first and/or last name does not save. This has been fixed.
  • Add constraint to sec.[userFunction] table to ensure functionNames are unique.

Application Navigation

Asset Management

Shift Management

Operations Schedule Management

  • system.kanoa.schedule.updateAssetSchedule() function was broken when debug tag [Kanoa]kanoa/debug/tags/debugScheduler was enabled. This has been fixed.
  • Units are missing from scheduled event editor. This has been fixed.
  • Scheduling Operations calendar does not default to current day. This has been fixed.

Material Management

  • Materials Items Table is labeled incorrectly on start up. this has been fixed.

Production Order Management

  • Add unique constraint to workOrder table.

if the module update fails for changeset kanoa:ops:530 jfc 8/26/24 - add UC_workOrderName to [mes].[workOrder] the following sql to remove any duplicate workorders.

SELECT count(1),[workOrderName] FROM [mes].[workOrder] GROUP BY workOrderName HAVING COUNT(1) > 1

--SELECT * FROM [mes].[workOrder] WHERE workOrderName = xxxx

--DELETE FROM [mes].[workOrder] where workOrderId = y --DELETE FROM [mes].[workOrderMetaData] where workOrderId = y --DELETE FROM [sch].[scheduleBlock] where workOrderId = y

Lot Management

  • Add concept of lot operations that result in lotEvents.


  • Quality Configure Attributes delete confirmation box not working correctly. This has been fixed.
  • Configure Quality Attributes - User without role permissions can edit and delete attributes. This has been fixed.

Operations Analysis

  • OEE Enabled Asset's TagInfo does not include the scheduled quantity when not running a work order. This has been added.


  • Typing text into the tree selector search bar didn't return any records. Issue was with the def filterData() function returned a basicDataset when we are now expecting a pyDataSet. It is now fixed.

Operator Screen

  • Added the Item Description to the Asset Operation screen, if there is one for the current product.
  • Downtime screen only shows a single state unless 'show all states' is selected. 'Show Coded' was set to true by default. That is now cleared.


  • Setting Default dashboard and Guest Default does not work. This has been fixed.