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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Updates the field with the passed value for the assetModeLink in KanoaOPS.


updateAssetModeField(modeAssetLinkId, field, value, userId)
  • Parameters
      int modeAssetLinkId - The ID of the assetModeLink to be updated.
      str field - The field to be updated.
      str value - The value to set for the specified field.
      int userId - The ID of the user making the update.
  • Returns
      (int) Number of records modified
      (str) Message
  • Code Examples

    # Usage example
    records_modified, message = system.kanoa.asset.updateAssetModeField(modeAssetLinkId=123, field='fieldName', value='fieldValue', userId=456)

    if records_modified is not None:
    print(f"Successfully updated {records_modified} records.")
    print(f"Update failed: {message}")