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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Returns production data filtered by the given parameters.


  • Parameters
      paramsDict (dict)
      - assetId (int)
      - startDate (datetime)
      - endDate (datetime)
      - modeId (int): None for all modes
      - workOrderId (int)
      - activeModeOnly (bool): Only return date for current mode
      - strictDates (bool): If true then counts and times will be limited to the range passed in, otherwise counts and times are for the entire run that started or ended during the range
  • Returns
    data (pyDataset).
  • Code Example

    # Example Usage:
    startDate ="2024-09-01 00:00:00")
    data = system.kanoa.event.getAssetProductionEvents({'assetId': 510, 'startDate': startDate, 'endDate': endDate})
    print system.kanoa.utilities.convertDatasetToJSON(data)
    > [
    'endDate': None,
    'modeTypeId': 5,
    'changedDate': 2024-07-26 23:05:04.69,
    'itemName': u'Wheat Bread Dough',
    'tgtThreshold': 0.1,
    'reqdQty': 176773.0,
    'changedBy': 18,
    'plannedDowntimeSecs': 593960,
    'period': u'Hour',
    'modeSourceName': u'Operator',
    'infeedRateSecs': 0.017515510954838522,
    'tgtQ': 0.8,
    'outfeedUnits': u'lbs',
    'modeTypeName': u'Production',
    'quality': 1.0,
    'itemId': 87,
    'standardRate': 60.0,
    'wasteUnits': u'lbs',
    'tgtA': 0.8,
    'modeCode': 1,
    'tgtP': 0.8,
    'workOrderId': 43,
    'iconPath': u'kanoa/production',
    'infeedUnits': u'lbs',
    'startDate': 2024-06-21 18:52:03.0,
    'modeName': u'Production',
    'itemColor': u'#a291ed',
    'modeEventId': 43480L,
    'runtimeSecs': 7996284,
    'availability': 0.7501607028069424,
    'targetCount': 133271.4,
    'rawWasteCount': 0.0,
    'outfeedCount': 140059.0,
    'scheduleRate': 60.0,
    'durationSecs': 10659428.0,
    'modeId': 2,
    'assetPath': u'Kanoa Industries\\Buffalo Bakery\\Production\\Mix Line 1',
    'assetId': 510,
    'infeedCount': 140059.0,
    'wasteCount': 0.0,
    'unplannedDowntimeSecs': 2069184,
    'userName': u'srussem',
    'userId': 35,
    'modeColor': u'#00639a',
    'createdDate': None,
    'performance': 1.0509306572903114,
    'rawOutfeedCount': 140059.0,
    'createdBy': 35,
    'workOrderName': u'WO-010',
    'rawInfeedCount': 140059.0,
    'assetName': u'Mix Line 1',
    'itemClassColor': None,
    'comment': u'changed time',
    'packageCount': 1.0,
    'tgtOEE': 0.6