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This function requires KanoaCore module


Returns asset information based on the provided parameters from the 'kanoaCore' system.


  • Parameters
      paramsDict (dict) - A dictionary containing parameters to filter assets. Available keys include:
      - 'enabled' (bool): Filter by asset's enabled status.
      - 'assetPath' (str): Filter by asset path.
      - 'assetTypeName' (str): Filter by asset type name.
      - 'parentId' (int): Filter by parent asset ID.
      - 'assetId' (int): Filter by asset ID.
      - 'assetIdList' (list): Filter by a list of asset IDs.
      - 'oeeType' (str): Filter by OEE type.
      - 'oeeTypeList' (list): Filter by a list of OEE types.
      - 'assetTypeId' (int): Filter by asset type ID.
      - 'assetTypeIdList' (list): Filter by a list of asset type IDs.
      - 'assetGroupIdList' (list): Filter by a list of asset group IDs.
      - 'userId' (int): The ID of the user to apply security filtering.
      - 'userFunction' (str): The function used for user asset role filtering.
  • Returns
      pyDataset - A dataset containing asset information.
  • Code Examples

    # Example Usage:
    asset_data = system.kanoa.asset.getAssets({'enabled': True, 'assetPath': 'Kanoa Industries%', 'assetId': 1})