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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Updates the mode and also updates the enabled bit for any asset mode links in case the enabled mode has changed (kanoaOPS).


updateMode(modeInfo, userId)
  • Parameters
      modeInfo (dict) - A dictionary containing mode information with the following keys:
      - 'modeName' (str): Name of the mode.
      - 'modeTypeId' (int): ID of the mode type.
      - 'enabled' (bool): Enabled status of the mode.
      - 'canSelect' (bool): Whether mode can be selected.
      - 'canSchedule' (bool): Whether mode can be scheduled.
      - 'modeColor' (str): Color code for the mode.
      - 'iconPath' (str): Path to the mode's icon.
      - 'modeId' (int): ID of the mode to be updated.
      userId (int) - ID of the user performing the update.
  • Returns
      modeId (int) - ID of the updated mode.
  • Code Examples

    # Example Usage:
    mode_info = {
    'modeName': 'Updated Mode',
    'modeTypeId': 2,
    'enabled': True,
    'canSelect': True,
    'canSchedule': False,
    'modeColor': '#FF0000',
    'iconPath': '/path/to/icon.png',
    'modeId': 10
    user_id = 123
    updated_mode_id = system.kanoa.asset.updateMode(mode_info, user_id)