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Checks a new event to schedule or modify, against the asset's current schedule and shift schedule if required and returns a list of start and endDates available


getEventScheduleAdjustedTimes(scheduleOption, eventToSchedule, existingEvent)
  • Parameters
      scheduleBlockInfo (dict)
      - startDate (datetime)
      - endDate (datetime)
      - assetPath (string)
      scheduleConfig (dict)
      - shiftTimeOnly (bool)
      - intelligentScheduling (bool): When enabled, we will check if the event overlaps with existing events
      rangeStart (datetime)
      rangeEnd (datetime)
  • Returns
      scheduleTimes (list[dict]) i.e. ['startDate': 2024-01-01 00:00:00, 'endDate': 2024-01-01 00:14:00]
      scheduleOverlap (bool): True if overlap detected
      overlappingScheduleBlockList (list[dict])