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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Schedules an operation that flexibly adheres to the asset's shift schedule, while also avoiding any currently existing schedule blocks


scheduleOperation(scheduleBlockInfo, userId)
  • Parameters
      scheduleBlockInfo (dict) - Dictionary containing information about the schedule block.
      - scheduleBlockName (string): Name of the schedule block
      - assetId (int): ID of the asset associated with the schedule block
      - itemId (int): ID of the item associated with the schedule block or None
      - workOrderId (int): ID of the work order associated with the schedule block or None
      - scheduledQty (int): Quantity scheduled
      - modeId (int): ID of the mode associated with the schedule block
      - startDate (datetime): Start date of the schedule block
      - endDate (datetime): End date of the schedule block
      - notes (string): Additional notes for the schedule block
      - rruleStr (string): Recurrence rule string (e.g., 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1')
      - color (string): Color code for the schedule block
      shiftAdherence (bool): If True, event times will be adjusted to schedule during shift times
      scheduleOption (string): i.e. 'default'- does not affect existing events, 'fixed' - modifies overlapping events, 'override' - deletes overlapping events, 'wrap' - wraps around existing events
      deviceUTCOffsetHrs (int)
      userId (int)
  • Returns
      addedScheduleBlockIds (list[int]): List of new schedule blocks added for this operation
      msg (str): None if successful
  • Code Example

    # Example Usage:
    scheduleBlockinfo = {'scheduleBlockName': 'Maintenance', 'assetId': 1, 'itemId': None, 'workOrderId': None, 'scheduledQty': None, 'modeId': 3, 'startDate': ..., 'endDate': ..., 'notes': 'Maintenance notes', 'rruleStr': 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1', 'color': 'FF0000'}
    userId = 123
    shiftAdherence = False
    scheduleOption = 'default'
    deviceUTCOffsetHrs = -8.0
    schedule_block_id = system.kanoa.schedule.scheduleOperation(scheduleBlockinfo, shiftAdherence, scheduleOption, deviceUTCOffsetHrs, userId)