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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Gets all events in the specified range. Applies an offset to all the dates for the dates to show correctly on the calendar component.


getAllEventsInRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, assetPath='%', deviceUTCOffsetHrs=None)
  • Parameters
      rangeStart (datetime) - Start of the range.
      rangeEnd (datetime) - End of the range.
      assetPath (string, default='%') - Path of the asset (defaults to all assets).
      deviceUTCOffsetHrs (float) - Device UTC offset in hours.
  • Returns
      Schedule data (dataset).
  • Code Example

    # Example Usage:
    range_start = ...
    range_end = ...
    asset_path = 'Kanoa Industries\Adelaide Hills\Packaging\Line 1'
    device_utc_offset_hrs = 5.5
    schedule_data = system.kanoa.schedule.getAllEventsInRange(range_start, range_end, asset_path, device_utc_offset_hrs)